World Day of Prayer

Added on 04 March 2011

Friday March 4th was the World Day of Prayer.This is the day each year when many churches of many denominations in many countries all hold the same service. The service comes from a different country each year. This year it was from Chile on a them of 'how many loaves have you?'- based on the text f...

Thinking Day

Added on 27 February 2011

Scouts, Guides, Cubs, Brownies, Beavers, and Rainbows celebrate thinking day at St Modan's Church.

Living Faith for Advent

Added on 01 December 2010

'Living Faith' is the subject of a series of discussions being led by our Minister in the Manse on Tuesday evenings through Advent. The 'Living Faith' course is DVD based, by Bishop Tom Wright (of Durham) and is accompanied by a Study Guide written by John Schwartz.